Please Note: This animal is listed as a courtesy to another organization. Please be sure to contact the foster/caretaker for more information about him.
This is Ryju and Soot. They are Richard's dog and live with Richard in El Paso. Contact Richard at 360-969-4647 if you'd like to adopt the boys. All information for this Courtesy Post has been provided by Richard. "Both Ryju and Soot are neutered. They are about 2 years old. They have always been outside dogs and are not house trained. They have never been around any other dogs or cats or kids, so I don’t know how they would act. I am guessing they weigh about 75-90 pounds. They are brothers and have always been together, but I don’t know if they could be separated or not. They have always been in my back yard and have never been around anybody else so I don’t know how they would react to other people. They are great when at the vet and groomers. So if they are introduced to people away from their home, and they had a new place to call home then they may do ok. They make great guard dogs, and are very protective of their own home, and are very loving towards their family. So if they had a new home and owners they would do well I think. My health is not good and I am unable to give them what they deserve anymore."
Contact Richard at 360-969-4647 if you'd like to adopt the boys.
More about Ryju and Soot
Good with Adults, Somewhat vocal, Requires a yard
Other Pictures of Ryju and Soot (click to see larger version):